Let’s see if you know enough about Friends to be one yourself.

Who wrote the letter of recommendation to the adoption agency for Chandler and Monica?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

When did Friends first air?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of Phoebe’s sister?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

Who couldn’t get their leather pants back on?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

Who has three nipples?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

Which stage name does Chandler recommend to Joey?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of Ross’s first wife?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

When Chandler ran away before his wedding, where do Ross and Phoebe find him?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

Who says the last line of the series?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

Why did Ross give up Marcel?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

What does Ross buy Rachel for her birthday before leaving for his trip to China?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

How many times does Ross get spray tanned on the front of his body in the episode “The One with Ross's Tan”?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

Which season did Chandler propose to Monica?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

Which person is one of the co-creators of Friends?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

When Monica was stung by a jellyfish on her leg, who pees on her to ease her pain?

NBC/Warner Bros.
Correct! Wrong!

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