Mindhunter is dead at Netflix after its two-season run. The crime series, which is inspired by true events, followed two FBI agents in the late 1970s studying and interviewing real murderers to get into their minds as a means to understand the psychology of murder to help catch future serial killers.
The Netflix series launched its first season in 2017; its second season premiered in 2019.
In 2020, Mindhunter‘s lead actors were released from their contracts and it was announced that the show was on indefinite hold but not canceled. There was speculation, however, that the show would not continue. Despite the circumstances, a Netflix representative claimed David Fincher, executive producer for the series, “may revisit Mindhunter again in the future.” For years, Fincher himself neither outright confirmed nor denied whether the show was canceled, but the lack of hopeful news indicated that it was no more.
In a new interview with French outlet Le Journal du Dimanche, Fincher released an update on the series, and it’s clear that a third season will indeed not happen. Fincher noted the series’ high production cost and lack of viewership.
“I’m very proud of the first two seasons. But it’s a very expensive show and, in the eyes of Netflix, we didn’t attract enough of an audience to justify such an investment [for season three],” Fincher said.
Though Mindhunter will not see future seasons, Fincher still holds a relationship with Netflix and does not guilt them for the show’s demise.
“I don’t blame them, they took risks to get the show off the ground, gave me the means to do Mank the way I wanted to do it, and they allowed me to venture down new paths with The Killer,” Fincher said. “It’s a blessing to be able to work with people who are capable of boldness. The day our desires are not the same, we have to be honest about parting ways.”
Previously, when Fincher was asked if the show was over, he commented: “I think probably. Listen, for the viewership that it had, it was an expensive show.”
He also stated it would not be feasible for a future Mindhunter season to be executed at a lower budget.
“I honestly don’t think we’re going to be able to do it for less than I did season two.”