Can you Hulk smash your way to an “incredible” score?

At least how tall must you be to ride?

Correct! Wrong!

How quickly does the ride's launch reach 40 mph?

Correct! Wrong!

Who composed the audio track used for the ride?

Correct! Wrong!

Which company manufactured the ride?

Correct! Wrong!

What's the top speed?

Correct! Wrong!

How many inversions does the coaster have?

Correct! Wrong!

What system is used to propel the ride vehicles during launch?

Correct! Wrong!

When did The Incredible Hulk Coaster open?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the coaster's total track length?

Correct! Wrong!

What year did the revamped Incredible Hulk Coaster open?

Correct! Wrong!

How Many Questions About The Incredible Hulk Coaster Can You Answer Correctly?
Not so incredible.

Don't let that score make you turn green with envy. Flex those trivia muscles and prepare for an incredible Hulk-level comeback next time!
Not quite Hulk-level but still incredible!

That's a pretty incredible score. With a bit more smash, you'll be at a truly incredible Hulk-level!
That's a MARVELous score!

You Hulk smashed your way to the top with a MARVELous score!

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