Adventure and Excitement Await
Hollywood Studios is a tribute to the charm of Hollywood and the magic of cinema. Wander through streets with instantly recognizable architecture and dive into the worlds of iconic films through exhilarating rides and immersive themed lands. From walking down Hollywood Boulevard to visiting a galaxy far, far away in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Hollywood Studios offers a chance to step into the heart of the entertainment industry, transforming cherished movies into a reality.
Themed Areas
Explore Hollywood Studios’ themed areas.
Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood Boulevard captures the glitz and glamour of old Hollywood with its classic architecture.

Echo Lake
Echo Lake boasts charming attractions, landmarks reminiscent of Hollywood’s golden era, and more.

Commissary Lane
Commissary Lane offers a variety of dining options set amid a bustling, studio-themed atmosphere.

Grand Avenue
This area emulates the spirit of modern Los Angeles with its urban streetscape and bustling atmosphere.

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge
Experience the epic Star Wars saga with immersive landscapes, exciting attractions, and intergalactic adventures.

Toy Story Land
Toy Story Land welcomes you to explore Andy’s backyard, featuring larger-than-life props and fun attractions.

Pixar Plaza
Pixar Plaza celebrates beloved Pixar characters with immersive meet-and-greet experiences.

Animation Courtyard
Venture into Animation Courtyard, where high-speed attractions and intergalactic adventures offer endless excitement.

Sunset Boulevard
Venture into Sunset Boulevard, where high-speed attractions and intergalactic adventures offer endless excitement.