Destination 18Am I allowed to smoke on the property?Are park reservations required to visit?Do the parks close during thunderstorms?How can I contact Walt Disney World?How many days does it take to experience all of Walt Disney World?View All
Dining 4Does Walt Disney World offer a dining plan?Does Walt Disney World offer meals for those following a religious diet?Does Walt Disney World offer meals for those with food allergies?Does Walt Disney World offer meals for vegetarians or vegans?View All
Events 2Does Walt Disney World charge extra for its events?What events does Walt Disney World have?View All
On-Site Hotels 8Can I visit a Walt Disney World on-site hotel if I’m not staying there?Do on-site hotels offer complimentary Lightning Lanes?Does Walt Disney World have any on-site hotels?What accommodations are available at on-site hotels?What activities are available at on-site hotels?View All
Rides & Attractions 7Are there any rides & attractions for kids?Are there any rides & attractions for teens & older?Can I bring a bag on rides?Is the Walt Disney World Monorail a ride, and how can I board it?What are the height restrictions for the rides & attractions?View All
Services 19Are there First Aid stations located in the parks?Are there locker facilities available?Are there services for guests with disabilities?Do on-site hotels offer complimentary Lightning Lanes?Does Walt Disney World offer free transportation to and from the airport?View All
Tickets 4Can I give my ticket to another person if I haven’t used it or haven’t completed the remaining days?How many days does it take to experience all of Walt Disney World?In what cases can I request a refund?What happens in the event of a hurricane?View All