The Cat in the Hat

The Cat in the Hat

Attraction at Universal Orlando

About this Attraction

  • Location

    Seuss Landing at Islands of Adventure

  • Attraction Type

    Kid-friendly dark ride

  • Thrill Level


  • Recommended Ages

    Preschoolers, kids

  • Height Requirement

    Minimum height of 36 in (91 cm)

The Book Comes to Life

Ride through the pages of Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat story.

Our Overview

Dr. Seuss created some of the most popular books for children. His stories were filled with imagination and fun tales. This ride essentially brings one of his most iconic stories—The Cat in the Hat—to life. You’ll feel like you’re riding through pages of the book, and that’s because you practically are.

Universal Express Participating Attraction

Universal Express is a paid service that serves as Universal Orlando's express line system. With it, you can benefit from shorter wait times for participating rides and prime viewing spots at select shows. You can also bypass attractions utilizing a Virtual Line. Universal Orlando offers several Express pass options, each with distinct benefits.
