The Simpsons Ride

The Simpsons Ride

Attraction at Universal Orlando

About this Attraction

  • Location

    Springfield, U.S.A. at Universal Studios Florida

  • Attraction Type

    3D motion simulator ride

  • Thrill Level


  • Recommended Ages

    Kids, tweens, teens, adults

  • Height Requirement

    Minimum height of 40 in (102 cm)

Crash Through Krustyland

Crash, soar, and swoop your way through Krustyland and Springfield with the Simpsons family.

Our Overview

The Simpsons Ride is a family-friendly simulator attraction that takes you through Krustyland and other iconic locations featured in the show. This is not a groundbreaking ride, but it is an enjoyable experience, especially if wait times are not long.

Universal Express Participating Attraction

Universal Express is a paid service that serves as Universal Orlando's express line system. With it, you can benefit from shorter wait times for participating rides and prime viewing spots at select shows. You can also bypass attractions utilizing a Virtual Line. Universal Orlando offers several Express pass options, each with distinct benefits.
