Ohno of Ohyah & Ohno Drop Slides

Image: Universal Orlando


Ohno of Ohyah & Ohno Drop Slides

Attraction at Universal Orlando

About this Attraction

  • Location

    Rainforest Village at Volcano Bay

  • Attraction Type

    Body water slide

  • Thrill Level


  • Recommended Ages

    Teens, adults

  • Height Requirement

    Minimum height of 48 in (122 cm)

Slide Till You Drop

Fly along twists and turns before plummeting down into blue waters six feet above the pool level.

Our Overview

This slide can be a rather intense experience because of its final plummet, but good swimmers may enjoy it.

Universal Express Participating Attraction

Universal Express is a paid service that serves as Universal Orlando's express line system. With it, you can benefit from shorter wait times for participating rides and prime viewing spots at select shows. You can also bypass attractions utilizing a Virtual Line. Universal Orlando offers several Express pass options, each with distinct benefits.

Virtual Line Participating Attraction

Universal's Virtual Line, a complimentary service, lets you virtually wait for attractions, allowing you to explore the park freely until your return time. At Volcano Bay, visit an in-park kiosk for an estimated virtual wait time, during which you can roam, dine, shop, and enjoy other attractions before being alerted to return. At Universal Orlando's other parks, select a return time using the Universal Orlando app or nearby kiosks, then head back for a shorter physical wait. Availability may change.
