Statue City Cruises

Sail into History

Statue City Cruises provides a round trip ferry service that allows visitors to embark on a journey to the iconic Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. This ferry service grants guests special access to explore the historic grounds of these landmarks that have played a significant role in shaping the history of the United States. Whether it’s admiring the glorious Statue of Liberty up close or immersing oneself in the rich heritage of Ellis Island, this remarkable experience offers a unique opportunity to witness the remarkable stories and architectural marvels that symbolize the American dream and its welcoming embrace to immigrants throughout history.




Closed on select holidays; hours vary

Recommended Ages

All ages

Statue of Liberty with the Manhattan skyline
Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty
Inside Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration
Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration
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Ticket Options

Statue of Liberty

General Admission

Receive access to the Statue of Liberty Museum and grounds and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration.

Statue of Liberty

Pedestal Reserve

Receive access to the Statue of Liberty Museum and grounds, the Statue of Liberty pedestal, and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration.

Statue of Liberty

Crown Reserve

Receive access to the Statue of Liberty Museum and grounds, the Statue of Liberty pedestal and crown, and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration.

Ellis Island Hard Hat Tour
Image: Statue City Cruises

Ellis Island Hard Hat Tour

Receive access to the Statue of Liberty Museum and grounds, Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration, and Ellis Island’s Hard Hat Tour.

Top Features

Statue of Liberty with the Manhattan skyline

Statue of Liberty Museum & Grounds

The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and democracy. The grounds surrounding the statue offer remarkable views of the city skyline and serve as a peaceful retreat, providing a tranquil setting to admire this symbol of hope and liberty.

Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration

Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration

Ellis Island is a historic landmark, and the museum showcases the compelling history and captivating stories of millions of immigrants who embarked on their journey to the United States through Ellis Island. Through its exhibits and artifacts, the museum offers visitors a glimpse into the hardships, hopes, and ambitions of these individuals who shaped the nation’s diverse heritage.

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Select images on this page are the property of Statue City Cruises.