Jurassic Park River Adventure

Jurassic Park River Adventure

Attraction at Universal Orlando

About this Attraction

  • Location

    Jurassic Park at Islands of Adventure

  • Attraction Type

    Water raft ride

  • Thrill Level


  • Recommended Ages

    Tweens, teens, adults

  • Height Requirement

    Minimum height of 42 in (107 cm)

Welcome to Jurassic Park

Enjoy a scenic water cruise that gives you the opportunity to encounter gentle dinosaurs. That all changes when you’re bumped off course and enter a restricted area filled with dangerous creatures, including a towering T. rex.

Our Overview

This is not only a relaxing and adventurous attraction, but it’s also quite thrilling. Through the first half of the ride, you come across massive dinosaurs in a calm environment, but then that changes. Eventually, you come face-to-face with Velociraptors and a giant Tyrannosaurus rex in pitch-black before suddenly plunging 85 feet. This makes for an absolutely fun experience.

Universal Express Participating Attraction

Universal Express is a paid service that serves as Universal Orlando's express line system. With it, you can benefit from shorter wait times for participating rides and prime viewing spots at select shows. You can also bypass attractions utilizing a Virtual Line. Universal Orlando offers several Express pass options, each with distinct benefits.
